Bio and contact

Learn more about me

I am a historian exploring politics, race, and migration in the 19th century Atlantic World, especial the Caribbean. I received my PhD in History from the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). I am now a learning resources developer, specializing in instructional design and content management. You also check my LinkedIn page, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate.

Fort of Liberty, Providence, controlled by revolutionaries Louis-Michel Aury and Sévère Courtois 1819-1822, analyzed in Vanessa Mongey's Rogue Revolutionaries. Colombian flag on the fort
Fuerte de La Libertad en la isla Vieja Providencia,1822. AGN, Bogotá

Historical research

My award-winning book, Rogue Revolutionaries: The Fight for Legitimacy in the Greater Caribbean (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020), revives a lost world of cosmopolitan radical ideas. It traces the stories of revolutionaries who tried to create their own independent states again and again. Their quest for recognition clashed against the growing power of nation states and a new international order.

More resources (maps, historical documents, archive guide among others) are available on this page.

My articles on the Haitian Diaspora,  revolutionary networks, and refugees have appeared in various journals, including The Americas, Atlantic Studies, and Law and History Review, and in edited books. See my Research page to learn more about my publications and  digital projects.

My work has been supported by the Eccles Centre at the British Library, the Max Planck Institute for European Legal Studies, the Mellon Foundation, the Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations, John Carter Brown Library, and the Newberry Library.

I am a fellow of the U.K. Higher Education Academy and a member of the National Coalition of Independent Scholars.


Banner for the book Rogue Revolutionaries

Professional experiences

Terracotta figurine representing a Timoto-Cuica warrior, example of pre-Colombian works studied by the author
Timoto-Cuica figure, Venezuela, 1000-1500. Musée des Amériques, Auch

I have taught at Rhodes College, the University of Pittsburgh (US), and Newcastle University (UK). My teaching portfolio includes the Atlantic Slave Trade, the Haitian Revolution, Atlantic World history, Caribbean studies, the Black Atlantic, the Age of Revolutions, and imperialism: reading lists, syllabi, and handbooks are available on the Teaching page. I have been nominated for teaching awards, notably for mentoring. 

Additionally, I have worked for museums and historical societies including the New-York Historical Society, the Musée des Amériques in Auch, and the Musée des Arts Africans, Océaniens et Amérindiens in Marseille, especially their Latin American art collections.

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